Sunday, July 31, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

And I am sooooooo late. Missed the posting deadline for the official Six Sunday. Work week tried to kill me, but here it is!


Alejandra Guitierrez headlined the spray-painted placard. It helped that the artist was trying desperately to get back into her good graces. He stood at the top of an impossibly tall ladder to hang the sign while people on the floor u-bolted chain-link fence to the I-beams.

At the base of the ladder, Gen held it steady, uncertainty clouding her blue eyes. Possibly because she was the only white woman in the building, but probably not.

She went to every one of Alejandra’s fights.


Enjoy others' Six Sundays. And hopefully I will be on time next week.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I've figured it out.

It's not the print-outs or the goal setting or any of the fancy and complicated things I've been doing. It's simple and it works for me.

Take my doggone spiral-bound notebook and a pen and go somewhere that will make me bored. Leave behind the Nook, any books, the laptop, even my Blackberry and sit my butt down to put pen to paper.

Miracles, I tell you.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


So, the snippets I've been posting for Six Sunday is from my WIP, currently titled Caliburn.

There's a bit of a story behind this novel. See, my job sometimes involves long nights of doing a whole lot of nothing. So I've been known to trawl the depths of Netflix. One night I found a Disney movie called Avalon High. Now, I've long been a fan of any sort of legends surrounding Avalon, so I decided to give it a try.

It was a Disney movie. They thought they'd give it a twist by making a girl the reincarnation of King Arthur, but it was still a very, very Disney movie.

All I could think at the end of that was... I can do better.

So you have Caliburn. Please ask me any questions you would like!

Six Sunday

Turned out his biker brothers knew where there was a really nasty fight going
down that evening. So that’s how Derek ended up in a temporarily
converted warehouse on the wrong side of Harry Hines.

That’s when Fate smacked him upside the head.

When the first fighter stepped out, he was shocked to see it was a
twenty-something Latina woman. The bigger shock came with the
certainty that this girl was his King.

And she was terribly broken.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

So slow.

I've begun the self-imposed Twitter exile. Except for Six Sunday and other blog announcements, I will keep myself from Twitter until Caliburn reaches 10 000 words! I've taken the app off my phone and Chrome. Thus far, I wrote a little bit instead of Twittering. It's a start. Here's to much more.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I don't have it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have stories coming out my ears. The disconnect seems to come when I try to get it into text. I can IM and research and jot notes from sun-up to sun down, but when I sit down to type those ideas into a story, I freeze.

I've written just over 5 000 words on Caliburn, the novel you've been teased with for the last few Six Sundays. I think this is actually the most I've written independently on anything since the 100 hand-written page Thing I wrote between sixth and eighth grades.

So there are some things I'm trying for inspiration. The first would be music.

I've always been a musical person. Many of my stories have their own soundtracks. Something comes on the radio and my brain kicks into overdrive on a certain story. Unfortunately, this mostly happens while driving.

Then there's this:

Yeah, that's massive, but it's the feedback on this blog from YOU guys. *shrug* That's probably the most inspiring thing out there. What can I say? I'm a bit of an attention and feedback whore.

I've also posted the 100 day writing challenge up there. The goal is 800 words a day on Caliburn. So, while I've enjoyed this blog entry, I have housework and writing to do.

Until next time!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Six Sunday

Al looked at the three-quarter empty bottle of bitter tea at her feet. "Did you just drug me?" she couldn't help the angry squeak in her voice, because the world was definitely taking on a distinct fuzz.

"I think this is the right spot," he murmured as he stopped rowing, his head up to look around.. He met her eyes for a moment, crow-black to velvet brown. "Sure did," he said as he capsized the boat.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

Derek shook his head with a sad smile. "Can't say you won't end up with bruised ribs, my way," he said. "I can tell you my way will quite possibly blow your mind."

She stared at his outstretched hand. She might end up raped and dead with him. But she wanted to take the risk, because the other chance was feeling *alive* again.


Hey! Did you know you can schedule these things?