Monday, July 14, 2014


Her attempts at stealth were wasted on a sorcerer with insomnia and excellent night vision.

Grak followed at a very cautious pace. He didn't want to interfere, he told himself, just observe this crazy warrior. He he tried to imagine what she might be doing, sneaking out of the village like a thief in the night.

But thoughts quickly lost priority as he fell further behind her trail. The woman must have the eyes of a cat, he thought as he stepped in something slimy. He slowed, attempting to keep her trail without alerting her any more than he might have already. He was already afraid he'd left a trail of his own wider than a tree trunk.

The forest grew thicker, the air grew thinner, harsh pine green overtook the nearly bare trees with leaves just fallen. Grak grabbed a handful of needles to chew, as he hadn't brought any food in his haste.

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