Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Charity Raffle

Happy New Year!

It's a lovely new year, beloved internet, and I mean to start it off on a positive note. Therefore I am hosting a charity raffle for the month of January. Every whole dollar you donate to one of the organizations listed below will earn you one virtual raffle ticket. The prize is a gift basket which consists of four hand-knit wash cloths, and three items of your choice from Chagrin ValleySoaps.

Please, donate directly to the organizations and email the receipts to me for your entries. perihawk at gmail dot com.  The receipts will only be kept for the duration of the fund-raiser and destroyed immediately after the winner is confirmed.

As a bonus, if you're into the humiliation of your friends, if we reach a combined total of $250, I will make a video of myself singing "Poor Unfortunate Souls" from The Little Mermaid.

Photo used with permission of Chagrin Valley Soaps.

Donation emails will be accepted January 1st through 31st. The winner will be drawn on February 2nd.

Thank you for helping me start this new year off right!

MSF - Doctors Without Borders is a French secular humanitarian-aid non-governmental organization, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, best known for its projects in war-torn regions and developing countries facing endemic diseases. Its headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.

Villalobos Rescue Center is a Pit Bulls Dog rescue, rehabilitation and placement facility for abused and abandoned Pit Bulls.

The mission of Books With No Bounds is to provide Aboriginal children and teens living in remote communities, with books donated by publishers, authors, schools, individuals and organizations. Books With No Bounds organizes, catalogues, packs, and sends appropriate books to the Nishnawbe Aski Nations so that Aboriginal children and teens are given critical building blocks for literacy success.

Heifer International is a global nonprofit with the goal of ending poverty and hunger in a sustainable fashion. Established in 1944, Heifer International gives out gifts of livestock, seeds and trees and extensive training to those in need.

Cat Care was founded by Suzanne Hart and Eileen McIntosh in order to address the over population of cats and to assist individuals in their surrounding communities including Peterborough, Northumberland and Hastings Counties by arranging for cats to be spayed/neutered at low cost spay/neuter facilities in Ontario.

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